Friday, May 31, 2013

Pig Update

The foam structure is finished and he is cover ed in nylon fleece.

He is ready for eyes, arms, ears, and tail.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pig patterning

Started draping the pattern. 

Ready to start cutting foam. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Designing some pigs for a personal project. Here is the sketch. 
And here is the sculpt. I will be using muslin to drape a pattern from it. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chip! Groundhog commission.

Here is the quick sketch of what I am going for. 

He is a Groundhog. I'm calling him Chip for now. The client can, of course, do what ever they want with him.

Unfortunately I was so focused on building that I did not take pictures in the beginning. So this is what I have so far. 
Now ears!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pack of Cigaret Puppet

This was an extremely quick last minute built for a short video project I am working on.

Needed a talking pack of Cigarets. 

Here is the original sketches. 

Then the mock up for proportions. 

Then I designed the box in photoshop and had it printed on card stock. 

In this sketch you can see the mechanism. It is pretty basic. (The sketch shows a spring but I used a rubber band.  
And here he is. Short and sweet. 
Here is a picture of Cameron Garrity performing the character the the shoot.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Eyes. What to do?

These are the first thing I tried. 
Fabricated from recycled plastic. 
Yuck. I don't like it. 
Much better. But I don't want to use Easter eggs so I will use the as a mold and cast plastic in them. 

I will be casting in this
Cures fast. 
All done!

Now a light sanding. And I will see how they look. 

Howie body

As I mentioned I decided to make him into a sack puppet. 
Since then I have added his ears. 
Now it is on to his nose and some hair styling!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Here is the head covered in grey fur. 
I gave it a quick trim. I will go back and do a finer job when the body it attached. I decided to make him into a sack puppet. 

Now I need to make some ears. 

Foam Howie Head.

Here is how the foam head pattern came out. 
Pretty happy with it!

Now onto the fabric pattern. Here is a roughy draft out of scrap fabric. 

It fits! Onto the fur!